RGB 通道 + 圖示 (RGB Channels +Icons) RGB Channels +Icons


  • 45

用於創建像差效果或其他用途的快速操作。通過執行自動化操作來減少該過程的疲勞。 quick action used to create aberration effect or other uses. Make the process less tireing by doing an automatised action.



*此材料 包括快捷欄的圖示
要下載圖示,您可以在 CLIP ASSETS ID 上找到它: 2068866

下載后,您可以將檔解壓縮到 PC 上的某個位置。 在快捷欄中,您可以右鍵按兩下並進入所選工具的設置。這是為了讓它比基本資料夾圖示更不容易混淆,如果你經常使用快捷欄。

RGB 通道是 Clip Studio 本身不支援的工具。它可以用於很多事情,但最常見的用途是通過扭曲 RGB 通道層來創建 像差效果 。所以我自己做了,我真的很想做一段時間,但我終於做到了!決定分享。 我想確保這也正常工作。

  • RGB 通道(全部)
  • 紅色 通道
  • 綠色 通道
  • 藍色 通道
  • 二元的 管道
RGB 通道(全部):
創建選取 的層次 + RGB 通道的副本


請務必確保沒有圖層像上面寫的名稱一樣命名,因為這會破壞命令。我個人一次又一次地嘗試並重新下載了我自己的資產,如果操作得當,它可以工作:)您可以擁有多個具有 RGB 通道的圖像,如果您打算使用快速操作 agai n,請確保在運行快速操作後重命名它們

如上所述,快速操作將複製所選圖層。如果您不需要額外的 Base Layer,請在 RGB ALL 命令的快速操作中選中最後一步。

它應該寫成 “刪除圖層” 作為操作,而在此之前的操作應該是 更改編輯層次 “圖層名稱:RGB_Base圖層”

創建 所選 圖層的紅色通道圖層。
*不像 RGB 通道 (ALL) 那樣涉及命名問題,因為沒有執行選擇不同層次的命令。



創建快速二值化校正編輯。 預設情況下,手動設置處於打開狀態。從二進位顏色 建立 Alpha 通道或蒙版 。
*不像 RGB 通道 (ALL) 那樣涉及命名問題,因為沒有執行選擇不同層次的命令。


Text in yellow marker is added/edits

*This material includes icons for your quickbar
To download the icons, you can find it on CLIP ASSETS id: 2068866

once downloaded, you can unzip the files somewhere on your pc. In your quickbar, you can right click and go into the settings of the selected tool. This is to make it less confusing than base folder icon, if you use the quickbar a lot.

RGB Channels is a tool that is not natively supported on Clip Studio. It can be used for many things, but the most common use is to create an aberration effect by distorting the RGB channel layers. So I did my own, I really wanted to do one for a while, but I finally made it! Decided to share. I want to make sure this is working properly too.

Included Quick-Actions:
  • RGB Channels (ALL)
  • Red Channel
  • Green Channel
  • Blue Channel
  • Binary Channel
RGB Channels (ALL):
Creates a copy of your selected layer + RGB channels.

*Make sure none of the layers are named the same as the quick-action's, otherwise it will break the command (RGB_Red Channel, RGB_Green Channel, RGB_Blue Channel, RGB_Base layer

It is important to be sure that no layers are named like the names written above, as this will break the command. I have personally tried times and times again and redownloaded my own asset and it works if done properly :) You can have multiple image that has RGB channels, just make sure to rename them after running the quick action if you intend to use the quick action again.

The quickaction will do a copy of your selected layer, as stated above. if you don't want the additional base layer, checkmark the last step in the quickaction of the RGB ALL command.

It should be written ''delete layer''  as the action and the action right before that should be change edited layer ''layer name: RGB_Base layer''. This layer is important for the making of the quick-action, but it can be deleted at the end as it has finished serving its purpose, if you don't want the additional base layer (I personally tend to duplicate my base layer so it is just a step already done for me).

Red Channel:
Creates a red channel layer of your selected layer.
*Does not involve naming nomenclature problems as the RGB Channels (ALL) does, since no command of selecting a different layer is done.

Green Channel:
Same as [red] above.

Blue Channel:
Same as [red] above.

Binary Channel:
Creates a quick binarisation correction edit. Manual Settings on by default. useful to create an alpha channel or mask from the binary colors.
*Does not involve naming nomenclature problems as the RGB Channels (ALL) does, since no command of selecting a different layer is done.

Illustration used is by me (tenekuro)


公開日期 : 10 months ago

更新日期 : 10 months ago

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