固定姿勢包 #1 (Pin Up Pose Pack #1) Pin Up Pose Pack #1


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  • 10 CLIPPY

一套 11 個 pinup 姿勢,用於情人節或其他親密插圖。該套裝包含 10 種不同的姿勢和一種變體。 A set of 11 pinup poses for use in St. Valentine's Day or other intimate illustrations. This set contains 10 distinct poses, and one variation.




*If pose does not apply properly, please turn off "joint limit" and attempt to re-apply pose.

This pose pack will work on male model as well as female.

Additional poses added, and their male and female model application.

類別1 Category 1


在資產名稱中添加了數位。添加了六個附加姿勢。價格變了。更新材料與覆蓋材料不同。 Added number to asset name. Six additonal poses added. Price changed. Updating a material is not the same as overwriting the material.



公開日期 : 2 months ago

更新日期 : 2 months ago

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