雲圖章畫筆 (Cloud Stamp Brushes) Cloud Stamp Brushes


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這是一組雙圖章畫筆,可用於用逼真的雲彩裝飾畫布。 This is a dual set of stamp brushes that you can use to decorate your canvas with realistic clouds.

有一個普通的雲刷和一個具有更柔和透明細節的 whispy 雲刷。兩個畫筆都包含多個畫筆筆尖,因此不太可能出現可見的重複。


注: 畫筆一次只使用一種顏色,因此沒有自動著色。

畫筆大小和旋轉 與畫布相關聯,因此您只需縮小即可創建較大的雲,而放大即可創建較小的雲。旋轉畫布以獲得不同的角度。



* 使用的所有雲圖像均來自我拍攝的照片。無需擔心版權。請自由使用。
There is a regular cloud brush, and a whispy cloud brush with softer transparent details. Both brushes contain several brush tips, so there is less likely to be visible repeats.

Use these brushes to create varying levels of details of the sky with one or several strokes.

Note: The brushes only use one color at a time, so there is no automatic shading.

The brush size and rotation is linked to the canvas, so you only need to zoom out to create larger clouds and zoom in for smaller ones. Rotate the canvas to acheive different angles.

None of the brush tips contain hard edges, so you can use them wherever you want on the canvas.

You can combine the effects of changing the brush color and gradient maps to create striking sunsets.

* All cloud images used are from photos that I took. There is no concern regarding copyrights. Please use freely.

類別1 Category 1


公開日期 : 5 months ago

更新日期 : 5 months ago

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