園藝套裝 #1:手動工具 (Gardening Set #1: Hand Tools) Gardening Set #1: Hand Tools


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“園藝套裝 #1:手動工具”包含園藝中使用的五種小工具:修枝剪、噴壺、花園(軟管)噴霧器、抹子和手動耕耘機(耙子)。 "Garden Set #1: Hand Tools" contains five small tools used in gardening: Pruning shears, watering can, a garden (hose) sprayer, trowel, and hand cultivator (rake).

這套不再免費,已增加到 200cp。感謝您的提前下載。

此集僅包含該集的工具。花盆和花盆位於 Garden Set #2 中。

EX 使用者:所有模型都包含「色塊」顏色變化,非常適合模型的 LT 線轉換。如果細節不夠清晰或缺失,請切換到 「color block」 並確保 「extract line of texture」 已打開。

修枝剪 包含五種顏色變化:紅色、藍色、綠色、“色塊”和白色(陰影)。該模型還帶有索具,並包含允許剪枝剪打開和關閉以及鎖定和解鎖的運動預設。

噴壺 是一個小而簡單的噴壺,有六種顏色變化:綠色、粉紅色、黃色、藍色、白色和“色塊”。

花園軟管噴霧器 包含七種顏色變化:綠色、藍色、紅色、白色、白色 (陰影)、“色塊”和“色塊(陰影)。未著色的變化缺少額外的細節。

手動工具 模型包含同一模型中的抹子和耕耘機,由五種顏色變化組成:木柄、塑膠和鋼(黑色和灰色)、白色(陰影)、白色和“色塊”。

This set is no longer free and has increased to 200cp. Thank you for downloading early.

This set contains only the tools of the set. The pots and planters are located in Garden Set #2.

EX Users: All models contain a "color block" color variation that is ideal for the LT line conversion of models. If details are not sharp enough or are lacking, switch to "color block" and ensure"extract line of texture" is turned on.

The pruning shears contains five color variations: Red, blue, green, "Color block," and White (shaded). The model is also rigged and contains movement preses that allow the pruning shears to be open and closed, as well as locked and unlocked.

The watering can is a small, simple watering can with six color variations: green, pink, yellow, blue, white, and "color block."

The garden hose sprayer contains seven color variations: Green, blue, red, white, white (shaded), "color block,"and "color bock (shaded). Unshaded variations lack extra detail.
This model is rigged so that you may rotate the sprayer nozzle to various settings, as well as animate the handle being squeezed.

The Hand Tools model contains the trowel and cultivator in the same model and consists of five color variations: Wood handle, plastic and steel (black and grey), white (shaded), white, and "color block."

類別1 Category 1



公開日期 : 23 days ago

更新日期 : 21 days ago

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