簡單購物街/街 V2 (Simple ShoppingAlley/street V2) Simple ShoppingAlley/street V2


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簡單的購物小巷 A simple shopping Alley


謹慎 我搞砸了這個尺寸,所以它不能很好地與其他模型一起縮放(我的壞消息很快就會修復)

 此外 ,無論出於何種原因,模型都是垂直̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄定向的


New version of my other shopping alley model.

Caution I screwed up the size on this one so it won't scale well with other models (my bad gonna fix soon)

 Also For whatever reason the model is oriented vertically¯\_(ツ)_/¯
         you're going to have to reorientate it. Its pretty easy to do.

How to use

Use it as is or use it to get those dynamic angles when drawing buildings for backgrounds.

材料 Material

  • 預設材料 Default material

分配 Allocate

  • 預設佈局 Default layout


公開日期 : 1 year ago

更新日期 : 1 year ago

NovaDeity 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hey There Im an artist just like you! I make assets from time to time and use this software to work on all sort of projects including my Webcomic Fury Fray on Webtoons. send me some coffee on https://ko-fi.com/forevernovaart or just say hi :)