簡單購物阿利(無紋理) (SimpleShoppingAlley (No Texture)) SimpleShoppingAlley (No Texture)


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  • 免費

描繪狹窄購物小巷或街道的城鎮部分的模型。 Model of a part of a town depicting a narrow shopping alley or street.

像任何 3D 模型一樣使用( ʡ~ ʡʖ ʙ°)
Use Like any 3D model.( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

材料 Material

  • 預設材質 Default material

分配 Allocate

  • 預設佈局 Default layout


公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

NovaDeity 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hey There Im an artist just like you! I make assets from time to time and use this software to work on all sort of projects including my Webcomic Fury Fray on Webtoons. send me some coffee on https://ko-fi.com/forevernovaart or just say hi :)