一套22支逼真的鉛筆 (Set of 22 Realistic Pencils) Set of 22 Realistic Pencils


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一個大的逼真的木制鉛筆集與2橡皮擦作為額外的! 雖然有些鉛筆有相同的技巧和紋理,但我盡力讓每支鉛筆感覺彼此不同,所以每支鉛筆都感覺獨特。 A large realistic wooden pencil set with 2 erasers as extra! While some pencils share the same tips & textures, I tried my best to make each pencil feel different to one another, so each pencil feels unique.

所有鉛筆都可以用作彩色鉛筆,每支鉛筆的編號為1-22,因此翻譯更容易(不過可以隨意重命名它們!鉛筆從最暗到最亮。 鉛筆#1是最黑暗的,鉛筆19是最輕的(和3是有趣的)。

隨意更改鉛筆上的壓力、穩定性、密度、紋理和任何其他設置。 只要它為你舒適!c:
1. 方形鉛筆
2. 塗鴉鉛筆
3. 豹鉛筆
5. 垃圾鉛筆
4. 軟鉛
19. 硬鉛

6. 打噴嚏鉛筆
7. 地面鉛筆

8. 黑點鉛筆
9. 蓬鬆鉛筆
10. 穩定鉛筆
11. 溫柔的方形鉛筆
12. 剪紙
13. 密集點鉛筆
14. 側鉛筆
15. 精細穀物
16. 花鉛筆
17. 花紋理鉛筆
18. 薄點顏色

20. 半音鉛筆
22. 石墨汙跡(當你用手弄髒你的紙張時:w;


最後,兩個橡皮擦。 兩者都可以更改,使其更輕或更暗。

All pencils can be used as colored pencils, and each pencil is numbered 1-22 so translating is easier (feel free to rename them though!). Pencils have been ordered from darkest to lightest.  Pencil #1 is the Darkest, Pencil 19 is the lightest (and 3 are fun).

Feel free to change the pressure, stability, density, texture, and any other setting on a pencil.  As long as it is comfortable for you! c:
1. Square Pencil
2. Scribble Pencil
3. Leopard Pencil
5. Junk Pencil
4. Soft Lead
19. Hard Lead

6. Sneeze Pencil
7. Ground Pencil

8. Dark Dot Pencil
9. Fluffy Pencil
10. Steady Pencil
11. Gentle Square Pencil
12. Paper Cut
13. Dense Dot Pencil
14. Side Pencil
15. Fine Grain
16. Floral Pencil
17. Floral Textured Pencil
18. Thin Dot Color

20. Halftone Pencil
22. Graphite Smudge (when you smudge your paper with your hand ;w; )

All of them in color:  Only 5 colors were used, the rest was density & opacity.

Lastly, both erasers.  Both can be changed to make them lighter or darker.

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy these if you download them :D

黑暗 Dark

打火機 Lighter

樂趣 Fun

橡皮 Erasers


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

saturns_day 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D