阿泰穆斯鉛筆 (Artemus Pencil) Artemus Pencil


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我用於不同類型的草圖的一些鉛筆。我建議你玩周圍的紋理 - 畫筆密度,根據你預刷/畫布的大小,以及你喜歡施加多少壓力。 A few pencils I use for different types of sketches. I recommend that you play around with the texture + brush densities according to your preffered brush/canvas sizes and how much pressure you like to apply.

鉛筆 Pencils


版本 2:更新了畫筆紋理。 Version 2: Updated the brush textures.


公開日期 : 5 years ago

更新日期 : 5 years ago

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