松花筆 (ゆるはちペン) ゆるはちペン


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[Yuri 哈奇筆] 是一種粗糙的筆,稍微編輯了以前發佈的 [哈奇筆]。

The [Yuru Hachi Pen] is a rough textured pen, slightly edited from the previously released [Hachi Pen].
It is produced at 600 DPI, so it can probably be used for both manuscripts and doodles.

壓力和傾斜的強弱得到強烈反映。 當你豎起筆劃它時,書寫感覺會變軟,當你在倒下時畫它時,它變得僵硬。
這支鋼筆的書寫感覺比「明信片筆」軟一點。 此外,當筆被應用動量時,它比 [哈奇筆] 更銳利。
與 [Hy 筆] 一樣,可以繪製線條(如繪圖筆),但 [Yuri hy 筆] 更強調 G 筆系統的語調。 細線很容易劃傷,並且很難繪製均勻厚度的線。 因此,在陰影中使用時,喜歡和不喜歡可能會不同。
用這支筆,你可以畫一幅有力量和力量的線條圖,也可以用細線填充。 這是一支筆,用於更改畫筆大小的麻煩。

The pen pressure and the tilt of the pen are strongly reflected. When the pen is held upright, writing becomes softer, and when the pen is tilted, writing becomes harder.
This pen is a little softer than [Hachi Pen]. When the pen is vigorous, it is even sharper than [Hachi Pen].
Like [HachiPen], it can also depict lines like a drafting  pen, but [YuruHachiPen] has more of a G-pen type inflection. Thin lines are easily grazed, and it is a little difficult to draw lines of even thickness. Therefore, when used for hatching, there may be differences in likes and dislikes.
With this single pen, you can draw strong and weak line drawings, or hatching with thin lines. This pen is for when changing brush size is a hassle.
All colors are supported for monochrome, gray, and color layers.

2021/1/28 自動翻譯說明。 材料內容沒有變化。



The [Yuru Hachi Pen] is a rough textured pen, slightly edited from the previously released [Hachi Pen].
It is produced at 600 dpi, so it can probably be used for both manuscripts and doodles.


The pen pressure and the tilt of the pen are strongly reflected. When the pen is held upright, writing becomes softer, and when the pen is tilted, writing becomes harder.
This pen is a little softer than [Hachi Pen]. When the pen is vigorous, it is even sharper than [Hachi Pen].
Like [HachiPen], it can also depict lines like a drafting pen, but [YuruHachiPen] has more of a G-pen type inflection. Thin lines are easily grazed, and it is a little difficult to draw lines of even thickness. Therefore, when used for hatching, there may be differences in likes and dislikes.
With this single pen, you can draw strong and weak line drawings, or hatching with thin lines. This pen is for when changing brush size is a hassle.
All colors are supported for monochrome, gray, and color layers.

2021/1/28 自動翻訳のための説明を追記。素材内容の変更はありません。


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 1 year ago

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