찻잔 (Teacup) Teacup

콘텐츠 ID:2160708

  • 93
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음영이 있는 찻잔 이미지 A teacup image with shading

이것들이 누구에게나 쓸모가 있을지는 모르겠지만, 크로스해칭으로 음영 처리를 연습하고 있었는데 이것이 결과입니다.
I don't know if these will be any use to anyone, but I was practicing shading with crosshatching and these are the results.

콘텐츠 ID:2160708

공개일 : 22 hours ago

갱신일 : 22 hours ago

☙Blair❧ 님의 프로필 ...자세히 보기

Hi! I’m Blair. I’m not an amazing artist, but I am doing my best to improve. As I practice, I’ll upload the results as image materials. I hope that they can help someone!