달 -양식화- (Moon -Stylized-) Moon -Stylized-

콘텐츠 ID:2146078

  • 165
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필요한 모든 것에 사용할 수 있는 간단한 달입니다!

아까 만든 달과 불의 애셋을 사용한 작품입니다!
실행: https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2145138 또는 Content ID 2145138만
A simple moon you can use for whatever your needs are!

Here's a piece where I used the moon and the fire asset I made earlier!
Fire: https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2145138 OR just the Content ID 2145138

콘텐츠 ID:2146078

공개일 : 30 days ago

갱신일 : 30 days ago

CranberryCakeArt 님의 프로필 ...자세히 보기

21 years old artist creating.... Everything under the moon, really. I have 2 dogs, 2 guinea pigs and 1 kitten. My style is cartoony!