충성을 맹세합니다 (swear loyalty) swear loyalty

콘텐츠 ID:2145014

  • 267
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여인에게 충성을 맹세하는 기사
또는 약간의 조정으로 제안서를 작성할 수 있습니다
A knight swearing his loyalty to his lady
Or, with minor adjustments, a proposal

카테고리 1 Category 1

콘텐츠 ID:2145014

공개일 : 6 hours ago

갱신일 : 6 hours ago

ThatOneRedhead 님의 프로필 ...자세히 보기

I've never been a very good artist. I like making poses for things I want to draw, even if I can't draw them very well. Sometimes I make body types.