셀 쉐도우 펜 (Cel shadow pen) Cel shadow pen

콘텐츠 ID:2112099

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오래된 셀 애니메이션 프레임 캡처럼 뒤에 그림자가 있는 펜 A pen that has a shadow behind it like old cel animation frame caps

콘텐츠 ID:2112099

공개일 : 11 days ago

갱신일 : 11 days ago

LuciDoom 님의 프로필 ...자세히 보기

Lukia/F/Eastern Europe/occasional doodler & graphic designer Feel free to message me in case you have any questions on material available on my account! And feel free to showcase to me what you do with it so i know if it works for you!