감귤 류 (Citrusy) Citrusy

콘텐츠 ID:2091048

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오렌지 껍질처럼 보이는 다소 울퉁불퉁한 텍스처라이저입니다. A rather lumpy texturizer that looks kind of like an orange peel.

작업 중이던 키트에서 남은 펜이 오렌지 껍질 질감을 생각나게 해서 스프레이로 만들기로 결정했습니다.

A pen leftover from a kit I was working on that reminded me of an orange peel texture, so I decided to just make it a spray for that.

콘텐츠 ID:2091048

공개일 : 16 days ago

갱신일 : 16 days ago

Hadi42 님의 프로필 ...자세히 보기

Jack of all trades, master of anxiety and making my life harder for no reason. Self-taught in pretty much every hobby I've got, including drawing/pixel art. Working on a game I'll probably never finish but Attempts are being Made. Oh and I've got OCD. oTL