리노튜나 선/스케치 (Rinotuna line/ sketch) Rinotuna line/ sketch

콘텐츠 ID:1858253

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이것은 일종의 도전이었지만 전반적으로 나는 그것을 만드는 재미를 많이했다! 당신의 필요에 맞게 편집하는 것을 두려워하지 마십시오! :) This was kind of a challenge but overall I had a lot of fun creating it! Please don't be afraid to edit it for your needs! :)

포토샵 스케치 및 라인 렌더링에 사용하는 브러시 리노토나와 유사!
Similar to the brush Rinotuna uses for Photoshop sketching and line rendering!

콘텐츠 ID:1858253

공개일 : 2 years ago

갱신일 : 2 years ago

Traumaism07 님의 프로필 ...자세히 보기

Hi I'm Traumaism07! I'm a artist who makes nice quality and attainable brushes for creating and digital art! I also make workspaces and brushes that well known artist may use.( not exactly the same but very close!) Message me for recommendation! :)