dp-厚塗X/헤어 + 베이직 세트 (dp-厚塗X筆 / Hair + Basic Set) dp-厚塗X筆 / Hair + Basic Set

콘텐츠 ID:1768753

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this is a basic & hairy painting set I have tried to respond to a request to draw dynamic attractive hair. I hope they are useful for whom have such aim, are looking for new tools / expressions, and drawing lovers.
I especially like these hairy tools - they are useful not only for painting but also perhaps for comic as well maybe to express ink squeeze out

움직이는 매력적인 머리 그리고 싶은! 라는 요구에 부응 하려고 만든 브러쉬 세트입니다. 뭐 괴수 유용 있으면 다행입니다.
헤어 브러시는 비교적 마음에 듭니다 ... 만화에가지고 돌아가는 걸까요?

Enjoy Drawing !
this is a basic & hairy painting set I have tried to respond to a request to draw dynamic attractive hair. I hope they are useful for whom have such aim, are looking for new tools / expressions, and drawing lovers.
I especially like these hairy tools - they are useful not only for painting but also perhaps for comic as well maybe to express ink squeeze out


Enjoy Drawing !

내 드로잉 도구 소개를보고 주셔서 감사합니다 - 나는 그들이 당신의 신조를 도움이 되기를 바랍니다. 드로잉을 즐기세요!!

Thank you for your viewing my drawing tools introduction - I hope they help your cretivity. Enjoy Drawing !!

기본 도구 Basic Tools

털이 많은 도구 Hairy Tools

갱신 이력

2020.03.29 출시 2020.03.29 released

콘텐츠 ID:1768753

공개일 : 4 years ago

갱신일 : 4 years ago

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