Kaze_Fude (Kaze_Fude) Kaze_Fude

콘텐츠 ID:1707018

  • 903


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붓 펜의 표정에 접근 한 스케치 용 브러시입니다.
압력, 속도, 경사에 대 한 자연적인 표현 수 있습니다.

브러시 크기를 변경 하면 강하게 그렸습니다 최대 값이 변경 됩니다.
극단적인 표현을 하 고 싶다면 브러시 크기를 늘리려면 평균 한 선을 긋고 싶다면 작게 하십시오.

브러시 크기를 늘리려면가지고 너무 환경에 더 큰 지연을 나오면
사용할 크기를 조정 하십시오.
(해상도 300dpi 이상, 브러쉬 크기는 100pix 다음을 추천 합니다)

※ 주의 사항
처음부터 흑백 레이어를 사용할 때는 카스 레가 사라져 버리는 것을 확인 하 고 있습니다.
일단 컬러 레이어 상태에서 한 획을 그린 후, 레이어 모드를 전환 하 여 이용해 주십시오.

Kaze_Fude imitates "Fude Brush Pen".
"Fude Brush Pen" means Japanese brush for tiny calligraphy.
Kaze_Fude supporting "Pen pressure,speed,and tilt."
It will provide natural expression for you. (also includes scratch effect)

Brush size link to max value of pen pressure.
If you want to draw variable line,you should pick a large brush.
Opposite situation ,pick a small brush.

Try to use it carefully.
the larger brush size,the more latency.
My recommend brush size is
less than 100 pixel,canvas resolution is
300dpi or above.

Scratch effect does not work when you use brush on "Monochromatic layer" from first.
If you want to use this brush on "Monochromatic layer"without this problem,
you need to draw to "Color layer"once,and switch to "Monochromatic layer".

Thank you for downloading Kaze_Fude!
I hope this my brush helps you.
Have fun!





Kaze_Fude imitates "Fude Brush Pen".
"Fude Brush Pen" means Japanese brush for tiny calligraphy.
Kaze_Fude supporting "Pen pressure,speed,and tilt."
It will provide natural expression for you.(also includes scratch effect)

Brush size link to max value of pen pressure.
If you want to draw variable line,you should pick a large brush.
Opposite situation ,pick a small brush.

Try to use it carefully.
the larger brush size,the more latency.
My recommend brush size is
less than 100 pixel,canvas resolution is
300dpi or above.

Scratch effect does not work when you use brush on "Monochromatic layer" from first.
If you want to use this brush on "Monochromatic layer"without this problem,
you need to draw to "Color layer"once,and switch to "Monochromatic layer".

Thank you for  downloading Kaze_Fude!
I hope this my brush helps you.
Have fun!

콘텐츠 ID:1707018

공개일 : 6 years ago

갱신일 : 6 years ago

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