野球2Dアニメーション Baseball 2D animation
24 fps (フレーム/秒) の 60 フレーム 2D アニメーション。CLIP STUDIO PAINT EXでのみ動作します。
60 frames 2D animation at 24 fps (frames per second). It will only work on Clip Studio Paint EX.
This is a test on a 2D animation.
FREE to use as you deem necessary.
I watched a video on YouTube of a baseball player who was much slimmer than my character but, hey! that's what 2D animation is all about.
If it works, please leave me a like, so I can do more of this.
You may have to drag and drop the animations folders in your animation file and may also have to reassign the images to the cells. They are on twos.
Thank you for your support.