貝殻と海藻の境界線 (Seashell and Seaweed Border) Seashell and Seaweed Border


  • 182
  • 無料

手描きの貝殻をテーマにしたボーダー。 A hand-drawn seashell themed border.




It’s January but I think I just miss the ocean lately. It’s way too hot to exist down in Texas, so sometimes I want to go back to the East Coast or back up to Chicago, but my husband’s job is down here. Oh well. At least the barbecue is good!

Anyway, enjoy this border. I think it would be cute to use on the hem of a mermaid themed lolita dress, but use it for whatever you like, of course. If you use it for any mermaid themed fashion especially, please send me a link! I’d love to see.

Made on a grayscale layer, so you can use your main and sub colors.


公開日 : 15時間前

更新日 : 15時間前

laurennialさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

Just a hobbyist getting back into making art again! I’m American and I only know English, so please forgive me. If you prefer English, join the unofficial CSP English language discord server in my links.
