寒武紀和埃迪卡拉紀生物 (Cambrian & Ediacaran Creatures) Cambrian & Ediacaran Creatures


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此素材集包含適用於CLIP STUDIO PAINTVer.1.10.10以上版本的素材。 ( 下載最新版本 )

很久很久以前,大約在5.388億年前...... Once upon a time, around 538.8 Million Years ago or so....

這些畫筆適用於地球上生命早期的非常古老的動物! 它們適合用於博物館場景、時間旅行、隨機怪物、原始人藝術和一般裝飾。  他們非常小眾,但我在畫它們時有很多樂趣,這是給所有到目前為止欣賞我其他原始人畫筆的人的。謝謝!❤

寒武紀時期大約 是 538.8 ± 0.6 – 4.8685 億年前。 這是一個進化多樣性很大的時期,我們今天所知道的很多門都是從這裡開始的(如果你想知道, Pikaia 可能是你在這個系列中最古老的親戚!  在懶惰的背景中享受這些畫筆。

埃迪卡拉紀時期大約 在 ~635 – 538.8 年前,是第一個複雜的多細胞生命開始形成的地方。由於化石更稀有且保存得不那麼好,所以人們並不十分了解他們,但是,看著生命的原型真是太酷了!


(Microsoft 翻譯:其中大多數都可以放在我們的手掌中!



  1. 用黑白標記畫筆。
  2. 複製圖層。
  3. 在頂層(在EDIT命令欄中)使用 「convert brightness to opacity」。(將亮度轉換為不透明度)。
  4. 將底部圖層全部塗成白色(我喜歡透明鎖定然後填充它)。
  5. 您現在擁有線條和易於使用的調色板。:D
我把這些放在 #ASSETSChallenge 里,但別擔心,我並不想贏。 我只是想參與並在 #stamps 標籤中投入更多資產。

These brushes are for very ancient animals in the early days of life on earth!  They're good for museum scenes, time travel, random monsters, paleo art, and general decoration.  They're very niche, but I have a lot of fun drawing them and this is for all those who appreciated my other paleo brushes so far. Thank you! ❤

The Cambrian period was about 538.8 ± 0.6 – 486.85 million years ago.  It was a period of great evolutionary diversity, with a lot of the phyla we know today getting their start here (if you're wondering, Pikaia is likely your oldest relative in this set!).  Enjoy these brushes in a lazy background.

The Ediacaran period was about ~635 – 538.8 years ago, and was where the first complex multicellular life began to form. They're not as well understood due to how the fossils are rarer & the preservation isn't as great, but boy, it is so cool to look at the prototypes of life!

Life at this time is still very tiny! Remember, they just evolved from microscopic creatures.

(Microsoft translate: most of these can fit in the palms of our hands!)
These are great as fantasy decorations for alien life in other worlds, don't feel restricted to accurate scenes.

Here's a good look at the brushes:

If you'd like to color these, you can either use the multiply layer property or an easy line art separation method.

  1. Stamp your brush in black and white.
  2. Duplicate the layer.
  3. Use "convert brightness to opacity" on the top layer (in the EDIT command bar).
  4. Color the bottom layer all white (I like to transparency lock then fill it).
  5. You now have lines and an easy to use color base. :D
I'm putting these in the #ASSETSChallenge, but don't worry, I'm not looking to win.  I just want to participate & put more assets in the #stamps tag.

Hope you guys enjoy these!

寒武紀 Cambrian

埃迪卡拉蘭 Ediacaran


公開日期 : 1 hour ago

更新日期 : 1 hour ago

saturns_day 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D