八光環閃耀。 Eight halos of shining light.

這個處顯示大小約為 25% :

- 要在封面上達到效果,請按照自己的喜好繪製光暈,然後在其 上使用色差(徑向)。
- 嘗試不同的混合模式。
- 有時,將不同的光暈相互疊加會產生有趣的光暈。
- 您可以使用這些來突出眼睛等。

These are ellipse figures that you can use as highlights or frames or to achieve different effects.

Shown here at about 25% size:

- To achieve the effect on the cover, draw your halo how you like it, then use chromatic aberration (radial) on it.
- Experiment with different blending modes.
- Sometimes layering different halos on top of one another can produce an interesting halo.
- You can use these to highlight eyes among other things.

類別1 Category 1