3 個新藝術風格的水彩邊框,用於您的 Romance Fantasy 網路漫畫封面或內部獨白 3 art-nouveau-esque watercolor borders for your Romance Fantasy webtoon covers or internal monologues
3 個新藝術風格的邊框,用於您的 Romance Fantasy 網路漫畫封面或內部獨白
600 DPI,可以縮小但不能放大(因為它是用水彩畫製作的,所以品質是固定的)


3 art-nouveau-esque borders for your Romance Fantasy webtoon covers or internal monologues
Made with watercolors
600 DPI, can be downscaled but not made bigger (because it was made with watercolors so quality is fixed)
No commercial uses please

Exemple: (with my own art)

Webtoon 資源 Webtoon resources