羅馬數位畫筆 (Roman Numeral Brush) Roman Numeral Brush


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用於羅馬數位 1 到 12 的簡單畫筆,用作裝飾或時鐘數位。 A simple brush for roman numerals, 1 through 12, for use as a decoration or clock numbers.

這是一個簡單的風格化畫筆,用於表示羅馬數位 1-12。
畫筆將按每個新筆觸從 1 開始的順序繪製數位。


This is a simple stylized brush meant to represent Roman numerals 1-12.
The brush draws the numbers in order starting at 1 with each new stroke.

Use it for clockwork, decorations and whatever else you see fit!


公開日期 : 8 hours ago

更新日期 : 7 hours ago

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