用於設計連衣裙的連衣裙形式圖像。我添加了部分手臂和腿,因為我喜歡更多的細節和更少的歧義。有 2 種顏色和 1 種輪廓/無填充。 Dress form images for designing dresses. I added part of the arms and legs cause I preferred more detail and less ambiguous. Comes in 2 colors and 1 outline/no-fill.
I wanted a more detailed mannequin that included parts of arms and legs, so I drew my own. I use this for designing dresses for my webtoon.
Comes in light color, dark color, and outline with no fill.
Draw dresses on a new layer above the dress form image. I like to use the symmetry tool to be faster.
Example dresses and a sample of the dress shown in my webtoon after designing:
圖像 Images