我在網路漫畫中使用最多的音效的5個郵票。 5 stamps for the sound effects I use most in my webtoon.
都是我自己手寫的。更改前景色以更改輪廓,更改背景顏色以更改填充。郵票或畫一條連續的線,它們會分散開來,這樣它們就不會重疊。我主要使用 “step” 和 “ba-bump” 的。
All hand-written by myself. Change foreground color to change the outline, change background color to change the fill. Stamp or draw a continuous line, they are spread out so they don't overlap. I mostly use the "step" and "ba-bump" ones.
Example panel from my webtoon:
音效 Sound Effects