加快您的繪畫過程 並説明
著色和照亮 我在與朋友一起參加真人模特的人物繪畫課程時製作的顏色,需要快速繪畫。
如果您不知道 為光照或陰影選擇哪些顏色。
1. 一組具有各種混合模式的畫筆(使用帶有光源顏色的 Add Glow 畫筆為物件添加光線,依此類推)。
2. 一組帶有顏色混合設置的畫筆,用於繪畫和混合。
3. 一組具有顏色混合設置的 畫筆 , 可以在不添加新顏色的情況下進行混合。
在我 關於輕鬆有效地繪製膚色和顏色的教程中,可以看到他們的行動:
Brush set for
speeding up your painting process and
helping with shading and lighting colors I made when I attended figure drawing sessions with live models with my friends and needed to paint fast.
Great for:
Quick concept art and speedpaintings when you don't want to waste time manually selecting colors from the color palette.
If you don't know which colors to choose for lighting or shading.
1. A set of brushes with various blending modes (use Add Glow brush with the color of the light source to add light to the object and so on).
2. A set of brushes with color mixing settings for painting and mixing.
3. A set of brushes with color mixing settings that mix without adding new color.
See them in action in my tutorial on Painting Skin Tones & Colors Easily & Efficiently: