一套畫筆和水果郵票,用於繪製和裝飾糕點和烘焙糖果。 A set of brushes and fruit stamps to draw and decorate pastries and baked sweets.
有 2 種糕點輪廓刷、5 種顏色的果凍填充刷、奶油凍餡、巧克力餡、鮮奶油和 3 個水果印章:草莓、獼猴桃和柑橘!
A set of brushes and fruit stamps to draw and decorate pastries and baked sweets.
These brushes are large-scale, perfect for illustrations with cakes or cookies as a feature or accent!
There are two pastry outline brushes, jelly filling brushes in 5 colors, custard filling, chocolate filling, whipped cream, and 3 fruit stamps: strawberry, kiwi, and citrus!
Use the chocolate, custard, and whipped cream at smaller sizes to create a drizzle effect. Enable pressure-based brush size so that the ends taper realistically!
The fruit stamps are quite large. Isolate a piece of fruit on a single layer and transform it to style it to the needs of your image. You can also add borders to the fruit to make it stand out against darker colors.
填充 Filling
郵票 Stamp
線 Line