一套簡單的大型、彩色、節日主題郵票。 A simple set of big, colorful, holiday-themed stamps.
這套配有 4 支刷子。

對於 「Ornament」 畫筆,調整 Brush Size、Gap 和 Angle 以改變球體的大小和角度,從而獲得更多變化。
如果您願意,您還可以將“Flip horizontal”(水準翻轉)設置為隨機,以便球體上的光澤翻轉。
如果您願意,您還可以將“Flip horizontal”(水準翻轉)設置為隨機,以便球體上的光澤翻轉。
這也適用於花圈刷;將其設置為 「Flip」 ,以便您可以輕鬆地以相反的方向繪製它們。

將 'Repeat method“ 設定為 random 以更改顏色的順序 。

A set of colorful, holiday-themed stamps. Use them as-is to decorate your illustrations or make cards and wreaths. Tint and transform them to fit your style!
This set comes with 4 brushes.

The wreath comes as a stamp and a ribbon. The ribbon allows for smoother lines, while the stamp makes the joining of the beginning and end of the line look more natural. Combine them for the best effect!
For the "Ornament" brush, adjust Brush Size, Gap, and Angle to vary the size and angle of the orbs for more variety.
You can also set "Flip horizontal" to random so that the shine on the orbs flips, if you prefer.
You can also set "Flip horizontal" to random so that the shine on the orbs flips, if you prefer.
This is also possible for the wreath brushes; set it to "Flip" so that you can easily draw them in the opposite direction.

Set "Repeat method" to random to change the order of colors.

郵票 Stamps
絲帶 Ribbon