頭部角度指南 (Head Angle Guide) Head Angle Guide


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此素材集包含適用於CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver. 3.1.0以上版本的素材。 ( 取得CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.3.1.0 )

我用預先定位的 3D 頭部製作了一些 3D 圖像,以便在從各個角度繪製頭部時更好地可視化
以 6000x6000 像素  350dpi 創建

3x5 網格

5x5 網格

- 您可以轉到首選項選項卡,然後選擇 Toon shading 選項
為了更好地可視化光照,或者 LT 轉換圖層。


您可以更改頭部型號! 這就是我把它做成 3D 圖像的原因!

或者預先製作模型並註冊 3D 頭部模型,然後將其拖動到每個位置,如下所示(推薦)

I made some 3D images with pre-positioned 3D head for better visualizing when drawing a head from various angles
Created at 6000x6000px  350dpi.

3x5 grid

5x5 grid

- You can either go to the preference tab and select the Toon shading option
for better visualizing of the lighting or LT convert the layers.


You can change the head model! That's why I make it a 3D image!
Unfortunately you can't change the model in mass at the moment, so you either have to adjust each model's face mixer manually and remember the numbers like this

or pre-make the model and register the 3D head model, then drag it into each position like this (recommended)

This template is permanently free!

類別1 Category 1


公開日期 : 1 day ago

更新日期 : 1 day ago

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