一種片狀、甜美的糕點,形狀有點像鬆餅 A flaky, sweet pastry that is shaped somewhat like a muffin
這是我嘗試創建 kouign amann(真正的甜點!發音像 “queen-uh-mahn”)。不完美,因為我仍在學習,但不會太遠?它看起來有點像鬆餅,但它是由多層糕點麵團、黃油和糖製成的,是一種酥脆、片狀、甜味和黃油味的甜點,非常適合搭配咖啡!
我提供了一些 3D 模型外觀的螢幕截圖,以及使用疊加層的快速著色版本,但我鼓勵您在線查找圖片以查看顏色是什麼樣子(或者更好的是,在現實生活中找到一個!真的很好吃...現在我真的很想要一個^^;哦,好吧!
This was my attempt to create a 3d version of a kouign amann (a real dessert! Pronounced like “queen-uh-mahn”). not perfect since I am still learning but not too too far off? It looks a little like a muffin, but it’s made of layers of pastry dough, butter, and sugar, leading to a crispy, flaky, sweet, and buttery dessert that is perfect with coffee!
I’ve included a few screenshots of what the 3d model looks like, as well as a quickly colored version using an overlay layer, but I encourage you to find a picture online to see what the color looks like (or even better, find one in real life! It’s really delicious!…Now I really want one ^^; oh well!)
Converted to lines and tones:
Colored using overlay layer:
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