霜淇淋蛋筒,上面放著兩勺霜淇淋! Ice cream cone with two scoops of ice cream on top!
仍在學習製作 3D 資產,並想分享我製作的這個簡單的霜淇淋蛋筒,以防它對任何人都有用!:)

這三個部分(圓錐體、勺子 1 和勺子 2)都可以單獨移動(但圓錐體中間不是空心的,所以最好隱藏那部分!


Still learning to make 3d assets and wanted to share this simple ice cream cone I made, in case it can be useful for anyone! :)

The three parts (cone, scoop 1, and scoop 2) can all move separately (but the cone is not hollow in the middle, so best to hide that part!)

I tried my best to make it look like a real waffle cone with the overlapping parts but I know I still have a long way to go ^^;

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