你知道你在學校畫的那些低檔水彩顏料,而你除了孩子年級什麼都買不起嗎? 那種水彩畫。 You know those low grade watercolor paints you use to draw in school when you can't afford anything but kid grade? Those kind of watercolors.
我不知道你是否會喜歡它們,但它們很適合著色。 隨意調整您需要的任何設置。
我會詳細說明我頭疼,我很抱歉。 希望你喜歡!
I don't know if you'll enjoy them but they are nice to color with. Feel free to adjust any settings you need.
I'd elaborate by I got a headache, my apologies. Hope you enjoy!
素描本畫家 sketchbook painter