動漫眼袋 (Anime Eye Pack) Anime Eye Pack


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一個手繪動漫眼袋,包含郵票和圖像材料,可根據您的喜好和偏好使用。 目前包含 4 種基本樣式的可用顏色。 A hand drawn anime eye pack containing stamps and image materials to use for your liking and preference. Currently contains 4 available colors in a basic style.

每隻眼睛被劃分為一個包含3個圖圖圖元材的資料夾。 2 個高光,一個勾勒出來,一個沒有。 然後是眼睛。

還添加了每種眼睛顏色的圖章。 建議最好在柵格圖層上使用。

只需將指定的 eye color 資料夾拖放到當前畫布上即可。 然後,您可以使用 transform 工具操作整個資料夾,或者使用 operation 工具專門操作每個部分。

Each eye is divided into a folder containing 3 image materials.  2 highlights, one outlined, one not.  Then the eye.

Stamps of each eye color has also been added.  Recommended to use on a raster layer preferably.

Simply drag and drop the designated eye color folders onto current canvas.  Then you can manipulate either the whole folder using the transform tool or manipulate each piece specifically using the operation tool.

Thank you for the interest and hope you have fun!

圖像材質資料夾 Image Material Folders

圖章畫筆 Stamp Brushes


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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