人魚尾巴(可擺姿勢) (Merfolk tail (Poseable)) Merfolk tail (Poseable)


  • 6
  • 50 CLIPPY

可擺動的美人魚尾巴底座。 A poseable mermaid tail base.

可擺動的美人魚尾巴底座。它有 5 個姿勢點。


如果您遇到任何問題,請告訴我! 請享受它!

在 blender 中完成的創建和索具!


姿勢 / 正面 / 側檢視。
A poseable mermaid tail base. It has 5 posing points.

I made this made this base with the idea of being a base so I didn't made the fins, but I think the main structure you can go ahead and improvise that part!

If you run into any issues let me know! Please enjoy it!

Creation and rigging made in blender!


Posed / Front / Side view.

3D 模型 3D model


公開日期 : 7 hours ago

更新日期 : 7 hours ago

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