{48 小時免費}珠刷 ({48H FREE} Bead brushes) {48H FREE} Bead brushes


  • 2,798
  • 10 CLIPPY

不同材質的珠刷:啞光木、彩虹珠、半透明玉石和閃亮金色。非常適合製作珠寶。 Bead brushes of different materials: Matte wood, iridescent pearl, translucent jade, and shiny gold. Perfect for jewellery.


你可以去 編輯>色調校正>色相/飽和度/亮度 更改顏色。

It's not as clean as many brushes of the same kind; it's slightly painterly so webtoon artists should keep in mind if these fit your style

You can go to Edit>Tonal Correction>Hue/Saturation/Luminosity to change the color.

類別1 Category 1


公開日期 : 3 days ago

更新日期 : 1 day ago

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