星座圖案 (Zodiac Star Sign Pattern) Zodiac Star Sign Pattern


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星座星座 圖案。 Zodiac sign star constellation Pattern.

這種模式基於黃道十二宮的星座。您可以通過轉到 layer property (圖層屬性) 選項卡並應用層次顏色效果來輕鬆更改材質顏色。



This pattern is based on the constellations of the zodiac signs.You can easily change the material color by going to the layer property tab and applying the layer color effect.

I created this Pattern for the school uniform in a story I´m working on. I hope you´ll like it!

(There´s a simple version without the extra stars)

類別1 Kategorie 1


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 4 days ago

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