爬過姿勢 (Climb Over Poses) Climb Over Poses


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這是 15 個姿勢的集合,展示了某人爬過高高的柵欄或牆壁。 This is a collection of 15 poses showing someone climbing over a tall fence or wall.

將姿勢應用於 3D 模型以用作參考或創建動畫,以下是從左到右順序排列的所有姿勢,下面是使用姿勢製作的動畫示例。

Apply the poses to a 3D model to be used as reference or to create an animation, below is all poses in order from left to right, further below is an example of an animation made using the poses.

爬過姿勢 Climb Over Poses


公開日期 : 7 days ago

更新日期 : 7 days ago

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