盤子上的 3D 甜甜圈 (3D Donuts on Plate) 3D Donuts on Plate


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3D 甜甜圈 3D donuts

我一直在學習 Blender 並按照教程鬆散地製作了這些甜甜圈,因為我想在 CS Modeler 中試驗材料,所以我想我會分享它們,以防有人發現它們有用:)

所有 3 個甜甜圈和盤子都是分開的,您可以移動它們:


它們有 3 種材料變體,隨意將它們組合起來,製作成一堆甜甜圈!


我的所有材料永遠是免費的 - 我不會強迫人們在時間限制內下載並填滿他們的磁碟空間,所以當你需要它們時,請隨時回來下載它們:)

I've been learning Blender and made these donuts loosely following a tutorial, and since I wanted to experiments with materials in CS Modeler, I thought I'd share them in case somebody finds them useful :)

All 3 donuts and the plate are separated, you can move them around:

Or even stack as much as you need by duplicating them!

They come in 3 material variants, feel free to combine them and make heaps of donuts!

All materials respond to lights accurately, Ambient light included.

All my materials will always be free - I'm not going to force people to download and fill-up their disk space by a time limit, so feel free to come back and download them when you need them :)

材料 Material

  • 一個 A
  • B B
  • C C

分配 Allocate

  • 默認佈局 Default layout


公開日期 : 5 days ago

更新日期 : 5 days ago

.avi. 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

I work as a professional game illustrator and creating comics is my hobby. I enjoy inventing new workflows and breaking traditional tropes.