Solid Ink Fill (Solid Ink Fill) Solid Ink Fill


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給你的純色線條帶來一些額外的質感! Give your solid lineart some extra texture!

純黑色墨水很好,但有時您想要手繪的感覺。 這些紋理會為您的線條藝術添加這樣的小瑕疵。


1. 畫你的線條藝術,填滿任何純黑色空間。
2. 複製圖層並將其全部變為白色。

3. 將紋理添加為「剪切」圖層或「圖層蒙版」。。
4. 滿意時合併。

獎勵:使用“將亮度轉換為不透明度”功能來去除白色區域。 您還可以將層次模式更改為“乘法”。



Solid black inks are nice, but sometimes you want a hand drawn feel.  These are textures that add little blemishes like that to your lineart.


1. Draw your line art, fill in any solid black spaces.
2. Duplicate the layer & turn it all white.

3. Add in your texture either as a "Clipped" layer or with a "layer mask".
4. Merge when satisfied.

Bonus: use the "Convert brightness to opacity" function to get rid of the white area.  You can also change the layer mode to "multiply".

Textures Below:

Adjust by adding more or less black, filling areas, erasing more, etc..

填滿 fill 'er up


公開日期 : 7 days ago

更新日期 : 7 days ago

saturns_day 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D