簡單的調色板自動操作 (Easy color palette auto action) Easy color palette auto action


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一個自動操作,可讓您輕鬆製作令人愉悅的調色板!查看說明! An auto action that allows you to easily make pleasant color palettes! Check instruction!

使用隨附的方形畫筆,將其設置為大小 50 和所需的中間色調顏色,將 50x50px 的正方形放在新層次上,然後在該圖層上使用自動操作。

Use included square brush, set it to size 50 and desired mid-tone color, put 50x50px square on new layer and then use auto actions on that layer.

Sorry no in depth instructions cuz clip studio keeps saying its too long and doesn't tell what's the character limit 🤷

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