粗略素描鉛筆 (Rough Sketch Pencil) Rough Sketch Pencil


  • 309

這支鉛筆成為我最喜歡的素描! A pencil that became my favorite for sketching!


(尺寸非常 大看起來很 奇怪,所以我建議保持尺寸相當小!
畫筆不會因壓力而發生太大變化,不透明度也不會改變。如果您不喜歡預設設置,您可以隨時根據自己的喜好編輯 畫筆 !以下是 50 px 時的預設壓力範圍:
當然,你可以用這支鉛筆做任何事情,但我更喜歡用它來畫粗 略的草圖,因為我發現它可以説明我保持鬆散和淩亂。這幾乎就是一切,所以祝你素描愉快!:)
Examples of the brush at different sizes:

(It looks strange at a very large size, so I'd recommend keeping the size pretty small!)
The brush doesn't vary much by pressure, and the opacity doesn't change either. If you don't prefer the default settings, you can always edit the brush to your liking! Here's what the default pressure range looks like at 50 px:
You can use this pencil for anything of course, but I prefer to use it for my rough sketches, as I find it helps me keep things loose and messy. That's pretty much everything, so happy sketching! :)


公開日期 : 8 days ago

更新日期 : 6 days ago

Cosmoscribbles 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Just a person who likes drawing cats and their OCs! I make brushes sometimes, which will stay free for everyone