Hair Blocking 筆刷 (Hair Blocking Brush) Hair Blocking Brush


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我製作的一個快速刷子,以説明阻止頭髮的形狀 A quick brush I made to help with blocking in the shape of hair

絕對不是一個完美的解決方案,但它是我最接近類比 頭髮捲曲方式的解決方案。根據髮型的不同,錐形可能會有點粗糙,所以要根據需要調整吧!
Definitely not a perfect solution, but it's the closest I got to simulating the way hair curls. The taper may be a bit harsh depending on the hairstyle, so adjust it as needed!


公開日期 : 2 days ago

更新日期 : 2 days ago

Cosmoscribbles 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Just a person who likes drawing cats and their OCs! I make brushes sometimes, which will stay free for everyone