水彩天氣圖示包 (Watercolour Weather Icons Pack) Watercolour Weather Icons Pack


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一堆塗鴉的小圖示來標記天氣,用水彩畫著色!我需要這樣簡單、可愛的圖示來說明一個青少年角色的日記,但沒有找到任何符合我口味的東西,所以我做了這個。它沒什麼花哨的,但它很實用,所以我認為它可以與他人分享!包括圖示的彩色和非彩色版本。請盡情享受 ! A pack of doodled little icons to mark the weather, coloured with watercolour! I needed such simple, kind of cute icons to illustrate a teenage character's journal and didn't find anything to my taste, so I made this. It's nothing fancy but it's functionnal, so i thought it could be shared with others ! Coloured and non-coloured versions of the icons are included. Please enjoy !


Icons included. There's no icons for snowy weather because I don't needed such thing for my project (my character lives in a place where it never snows ahah), but if some of you are interested I could add cold weather icons later !

彩色圖示 Coloured icons

無顏色圖示 No colour icons


公開日期 : 20 days ago

更新日期 : 20 days ago

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