石榴刷套裝 (Pomegranate brushset) Pomegranate brushset


  • 10
  • 200 CLIPPY

裝飾性畫筆包,將用石榴花和漿果使您的插圖多樣化! Decorative brush pack that will diversify your illustration with pomegranate flowers and berries!

石榴 花和它多汁的種子很棒!! 

對於任何想要在 插圖或網路漫畫中添加不尋常內容的人來說,它們都會派上用場! 


Pomegranate flowers and its juicy seeds are wonderful!!! 

They will come in handy for anyone who wants to add something unusual to an illustration or webtoon

Some of the seeds are perfect for creiating jewelry. These brushes can also be used to draw a pomegranate in section.

類別1 Category 1


公開日期 : 21 days ago

更新日期 : 21 days ago

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