黑髮!3 (Black Hair! 3) Black Hair! 3


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一套用於您的黑人角色的發刷。 A set of hair brushes to use for your black characters.

像這樣的畫筆被 預先著色有助於將渲染時間減少一半。它們使用簡單,只需畫出您希望頭髮出現的位置即可。它對於漫畫和類似的藝術品非常有用。

* 適用於位於「層次屬性」面板中的「邊框效果」 工具。

* 適用於位於「層次屬性面板中的「層次顏色」 效果工具。


(如果你正在尋找無陰影的箱形辮子,它們包含在我的第一個 「黑髮」包中 。

Brushes like these being pre-shaded helps cut the render time in half. They are simple to use, just draw where you want the hair to appear. It is very useful for comics and similar artworks.

* Works Well with the "Border Effect" tool located in the "Layer Properties" panel.

* Works well with the "Layer Color" effect tool located in the "Layer Properties" panel.


(If you are looking for non-shaded Box Braids, they are included in my first "Black Hair!" pack.)

類別1 Category 1


公開日期 : 7 months ago

更新日期 : 8 months ago

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