羊毛刷 (Wool brush) Wool brush


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它是一把畫羊毛的刷子。 It is a brush that draws wool.


* 建議:使用相同的畫筆來繪製陰影和高光。

* 適用於位於「層次屬性」面板中的「邊框」 效果。

* 適用於位於「層次屬性」面板中的「層次顏色」 效果。

The brush is very simple to use, just draw wherever you want the wool to appear. It's useful for comics and illustrations.

* Recommended: Use the same brush for shadows and highlights.

* Works well with the "Border" effect located in the "Layer Properties" panel.

* Works well with the "Layer Color" effect located in the "Layer Properties" panel.


公開日期 : 7 months ago

更新日期 : 9 months ago

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