2 音 Lineart 自動動作 (2 Tone Lineart Auto Action) 2 Tone Lineart Auto Action


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1. 選擇您的藝術線條層次
2. 按兩下 Duo 線動作之一
3. 盡情享受吧!

我還製作了一個粉紅色和紅色的濾鏡。下面是一個粉紅色濾鏡 的示例


Auto action that gives your Lineart a duo color effect. Looks best with brushes that have texture and/or opacity jitter but it still can work with ink brushes.

*How to use*
1. Select your Lineart layer
2. Double tap the one of the Duo line actions
3. Enjoy!

I also made a pink and red filter. Here’s an example of the pink filter 

I also made a haze auto action for the ones who want a more dreamy look! 


公開日期 : 8 months ago

更新日期 : 8 months ago

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