心怯的刷子 (Faint of Heart Brushes) Faint of Heart Brushes


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  • 免費

一個簡單的刷子套裝,帶有方形尖端和輕微的透明度。有點像標記。 A simple brush set with square tip and slight transparency. Kind of marker like.



I use smooth to lay down a base (shadows) and do most of the rest with the edges. 

Examples done only with these brushes.

膽小的人! Faint of Heart!


公開日期 : 2 months ago

更新日期 : 2 months ago

phorusrhacidae 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

my name is phorus, phor, pho - it/he - eng 🇺🇸 (esp 🇲🇽 / fra 🇫🇷) - i draw original and fan arts