[免費48小時]布料紋理劑II ([Free for 48h] Cloth Texturizers II) [Free for 48h] Cloth Texturizers II


  • 4,784

48 小時後,價格將上漲至 10 CP。



48 小時後可能會添加更多刷子。


Content ID 2082059

After 48 hours, the price will rise to 10 CP.

Some more cloth sprays that can be used to render textiles. 

The brushes are dual colored by default, but if you turn blending on they can be used for more subtle detailing.

More brushes will likely be added after 48h.

Check out my first set of textile brushes: 

Content ID 2082059

類別1 Category 1


公開日期 : 2 days ago

更新日期 : 2 days ago

Hadi42 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Jack of all trades, master of anxiety and making my life harder for no reason. Self-taught in pretty much every hobby I've got, including drawing/pixel art. Working on a game I'll probably never finish but Attempts are being Made. Oh and I've got OCD. oTL