水彩基礎套件 (Aquarelle Basics Kit) Aquarelle Basics Kit


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  • 20 CLIPPY
此素材集適用於CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.2以上的版本。 ( 取得CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.2 )

傳統風格的水彩套件。 A traditional style watercolor kit.

  • 一支眼線筆
  • 基本填充畫筆(雙色)
  • 正片疊底填充畫筆(雙色)
  • 螢幕填充筆(雙色)
  • 一個 smudger
  • 帶紋理的橡皮擦
  • 一種水彩紙質感
  • 2 種顏色組



查看我的其他傳統基礎套件。您可以透過搜尋 #traditional_basics 標籤來找到完整清單:

This kit includes:
  • A liner pencil
  • A basic fill brush (Dual Color)
  • A multiply fill brush (Dual Color)
  • A screen fill brush (Dual Color)
  • A smudger
  • A textured eraser
  • A watercolor paper texture
  • 2 color sets

A set of watercolor brushes with a traditional wet bleeding effect. I tried to make a more realistic wash texture but the eraser/smudger are a bit finnicky and easy to overdo. Use light pressure for a delicate water stain.

There is a basic fill, a multiply fill for shadows and values, and a screen fill brush for highlights/texture. Both examples above only used this kit.

Check out my other Traditional Basics Kits. you can find the full list by searching the #traditional_basics tag:

類別1 Category 1


-8/13/2024: 限時銷售 -8/13/2024: Limited time sale



公開日期 : 1 month ago

更新日期 : 25 days ago

Hadi42 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Jack of all trades, master of anxiety and making my life harder for no reason. Working on a game I'll probably never finish but Attempts are being Made.